Wanderlino Arruda
Djalma Souto



Wanderlino Arruda

Only the man has and finds in the language a wayto satisfy yearnings. The function triple of that Karl Buhler becomes fullfilled itself for the communication necessity, either in the utterion of impulses, either in the logical information of lived experiences. They are - for the proper nature human being - functions of instinct and spirit, operating, dominaters, emotives, true forces of agitation in the consequences of the physical present time, resultant right-handers of atavic souvenirs of the most recondite compartments of evolutivo I and etern.

The poetry, in the truth, constitutes a speech of who has and it does not have what to say, to the times or almost always in the mythical one or the dream. Poetry is one to rummage of soul sedetna of affectivity and affection, of contact that the poet had or simply he wanted to have, independent of its origin, culture or idealism.

Thus, searching the reality or poetando, the writer coats the language with all the semantic or musical aspects, since the utilitarian one, that he can seem historical, until the nobleman and disinterested, who places it in the unexpected of the future. The poet finishes if constituting of dreamed shares, fruit of construction present it, many Reality times paved and confessed interests. The poet lives and survives of emotives profits, always cementing the cadence of the words for the intentions that much of the times alone it can know. Everything demanded or for the imediatismo of one not to live that he never can wait.

Reinilson dos Anjos Camara, that breathes acts and attitudes of a fruitful life, always practised the creative art to value chats and poetry, becoming visible in the interest and the production of intelligence in sectors that many nor had imagined to arrive. It has - never he could himself be denied - almost a onipresença in sectors of idealize of understanding and to live legitimate emotions, in the passenger and the definitive one of its pretty existence. He has really lived to improve marking features of the eloquence and the poetical feelings.

Now, with plus a book, the " Being Accompanying ", becomes more of the one than everything a personalism relief, interposing sensations of doubts and afirmation of that it judges good and pleasant of each moment, either in venturing fast, either in the slow one to contemplate of infinites nuances of the permanent one to occupy spiritual. Where many would podleriam to understand as path of illusions, it it human constructs to a culture sun concrete of summer and discerning women, in candy good bye sea and crystalline beaches.

In " Being Accompanying ", Reinilson dos Anjos Camara is sky and is land, mind and hearts interlaced in one to become vacant sad and glad, smoke of homesicknesses of a train that goes up and goes down mountains in the comfort and discomfort of afternoons and mornings. They are verses that are born in cantos of Carnival, singing words that the luxury of the imagination cannot leave of if involving. The verse is born and renasce, memorized for the many experiences and of that they can produce the dreams of who had the happiness of being born in Montes Claros.

                                                                    Academy Montesclarense de Letters.

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